Summer of Impact Week 2: Spark Change

Missed this week's Summer Impact? Here’s a recap! 

It’s via entrepreneurs building sustainable and impactful businesses that we may see the change we want to see in the world. This week we learnt what problems need solving in the world currently, current global trends, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and started identifying problems you may feel connected to.

Who joined us this week? 

Marissa Huggins is the co-founder and Head of Community at the startup Spontivly. Previously, she ran community at the tech accelerator North Forge. Hailing from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Marissa is not only proof that a tech founder doesn't have to fit a certain image, but she embodies the LOI's values and commitment towards creating a strong, supportive community.

Spontivly is a community management system that integrates with a company's suite of community tools to allow for greater insights and efficiencies. Think Hootsuite for community. Did we mention that along with LOI Venture, Mark Cuban (from Shark Tank) is an investor?

Marrissa's Linkedin 

Melissa Allen began her career in digital marketing first interning at Foreign Affairs Canada in Paris, France, and then working with tech companies such as Torstar Digital and Google, before pivoting to an award-winning career in financial services at Desjardins.

Combining her passions for tech and finance, Melissa became an angel investor and Limited Partner in 2019 and after selling her financial practice in 2020, began lending her expertise in advisory and leadership roles at startups such as Alo Solutions and Bay Mills before joining the League of Innovators as the Executive Director and LOI Venture as a Venture Partner.

Melissa’s Linkedin 

MelTalksMoney Instagram

What did you miss? 

Marrissa Huggins AMA takeaways 

  • You can't do it alone: networking is half of being an entrepreneur
  • Keep your mindset in check: confidence, eagerness, and kindness go a LONG way
  • Show up and do the work. 

Melissa Allen Mentorship Session 

  1. What is it that inspires you to impact the world?
  2. What type of impact do you want to have? 
  3. Do you want to be disruptive or would you like to improve upon existing current or previous ideas?

Big ideas 

  • Coming up with a business people want or need
  • Impact entrepreneurship and making change
  • Defining the impact you want to have in the world, you ‘Why’, and using it as a North Star
  • Solving core problems vs symptoms

Join us every Thursday at 11am PST or 2pm EST to attend live sessions with fellow peers and learn straight from entrepreneurs to support your journey. You can expect all the mentors to share their experiences and knowledge with you as well as expand on specific topics or challenges that you may encounter. 

Want to join us live? It’s not too late to sign up and join us weekly. Click here to register!