2 months ago our team shared some difficult news. After 6 heroic years at the helm, our executive director Joanna Buczkowska-McCumber felt it was time to pass on the baton. If you’ve run a relay race, you’ll know that the handing off of a baton can be a tricky process. There’s distractions, other runners, and non-stop noise from the crowd.

What I’ve found separates the good relay teams from the great ones is two things. The hand-off (1) and the next runner (2). And we’re excited to share that in this race, we’ve hit the jackpot with both.

Within days of announcing Joanna’s departure, our community came around us in incredible ways. Our founders started reaching out to Joanna to share their gratitude, our board started helping with transition guidance, and our community started brainstorming email intros to a new Executive Director.

There’s no easy way to say this. Joanna left some massive shoes to fill. Founder and Chairman of League of Innovators, Ryan Holmes, puts it this way: 

LOI wouldn’t be where it is today without Jo’s incredible contributions. She poured her heart, mind and soul into this team and for those 6 years of service we’re eternally grateful. In that same breath, we’re excited to share that as she embarks on her new journey, she’ll remain connected with LOI as a board member.”

In short, Joanna’s leadership has paved a perfect path for whoever came next. And today we’re thrilled to share who will be taking up the baton.

Her name is Melissa Allen. And she is above and beyond what we asked for. 

We wanted to find someone that’s restless about innovation, and she’s proven that. We wanted someone that was diligent about execution, and her references spoke to that. Melissa is hungry to create an impact for young entrepreneurs across Canada and we can’t wait to see her step into her role in January 2022.

Instead of bombarding her with personalized LinkedIn requests (you can still do that...) we decided to bring you into the coffee shop. Here’s a little preview of what drew her to League of Innovators and why our team is so jazzed to have her on board. 

One of our Board Members, Manny Padda, put together a great list of questions he thought people would want to hear about.

  1. MP (Manny): Can you share a little bit about yourself?

MA (Melissa): I began my career in digital marketing first interning at Foreign Affairs Canada in Paris, France, and then working with tech companies such as Torstar Digital and Google, before pivoting to an award-winning career in wealth management at Desjardins. I’m fluent in French and have a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Wilfrid Laurier University.

Combining my passion for tech and finance, I became an angel investor and Limited Partner in 2019 and began lending expertise in advisory and leadership roles at startups such as Alo Solutions and Bay Mills Investment Group, before hearing about this new role at League of Innovators. 

For context: Bay Mills was the largest venture fund for BIPOC founders started by three brothers, Shamier Anderson, Sheldon James and Stephan James

  1. MP: What are you excited about in this new role and how has your career positioned you for this opportunity?

MA: My entrepreneurial background in finance, combined with my marketing and business development experience in tech, create a unique skill set that I cannot wait to leverage to support the LOI team’s vision, mission, and young entrepreneurs.

I’m excited to support the next generation of innovators who will go on to become leaders in their communities and beyond!

  1. MP: Where do you see the greatest opportunity for the League of Innovators platform in the next couple of years?

MA: Over the last two years we have experienced 10 years’ worth of technological advancement and a collective awareness about the significance of diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

With a proven track record built on a solid foundation, LOI is poised to become the preeminent destination for young Canadian entrepreneurs—from all walks of life—who will make a positive impact in their communities, country, and the world.


Well, there you have it. The baton has been handed off and the next runner is gearing up for a race of a lifetime. A race that needs running.

Joanna, we’re so thankful for your service and we look forward to keeping you in our corner. 

Melissa, we can’t wait to see you lace up your shoes and lead our team in the New Year. There’s some exciting things stirring up at League of Innovators and we can’t wait to show them to the world. 

  • To learn more about League of Innovators founder program, click here.
  • To request a meeting with Melissa, click here.
  • Support the work at League of Innovators, donate here.